Sunday, October 5, 2008

Video (aggression,violence,and the brain) : Mark had a tumor that was located in the front of his brain. This tumor was pushing down on his hypothalamus. This caused him to be extremely violent and abnormal in his everyday life. After a surgery to remove this tumor he suddenly became a kind and controlled man.

War, Death, and Cognitive Dissonance: In the beginning the families of the thousands of soldiers in Iraq were proud and supportive of the meaning of the war. But after some time has passed they have now decided that they are not supporting the war anymore even though nothing much has changed in Iraq. This phenom in is due to cognitive dissonance. These people are now regreting their past decisions due to the influence of others.

Understanding prejudice study: i took the race and society interview. It was kind of strange it asked some dumb questions that i had no oppinion on. But overall it made me look at our society in a new way. The fact that we even have this survey is upsetting because it means there is STILL prejudice in our society. :(

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