Monday, October 13, 2008

personal stories of attraction and conflict

attraction:for me there are lots of cases of attractions in my life and im not ashamed of that but 1 does stick out in my mind when i first started working at Macdonald's i saw this hot kid (who im not naming) and i am still to this day 2 months later all giggly and stupid around him. i hope it wont interfere with my work. lol

conflict: like attraction there are also a lot of cases of conflict in my life this i am not so proud of. i seem to have the most problems in like school project scenarios. Like when a teacher pairs you up with that dumb a** that does nothing. i don't ever just finish the whole project for the 2 of us i will make the other kid do his part. This happened to me last week (again no names) but it does make me really mad that he expected me to do the whole thing myself. So i blew up at him and have a new partner that did her half of the work.

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