Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Agression and attraction blog

Aggression: i believe that we are all aggressive in nature. No matter how young or old or our upbringing it is human nature to harm others in either psychological or physical ways. Aggression can be in the form of violence or in the form of words. Some of us make our aggression but with little success i don't think it is bad to be aggressive i only think that sometimes we don't try hard enough to do it in the right way.
Attraction: attraction comes in many different forms for animals the attraction is to who is best sited for breeding purposes. Looks do not matter. But for humans looks are everything it is an immediate thing to see someone you think looks good. We don't even realize that we are doing it. Sometimes personality can also draw you to like someone. Attraction is a common and necessary thing we all do meaning to or not.

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