Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Febuary 4th Blogs.

Blog#1: i see a spinning grid. It seems like there are four separate ones. Our brains can't interpret the grid because it is moving too quickly. The same thing happens with a spinning wheel.
Blog# 2:The ganzfeld procedure is when the patient is exposed to unstructured sensations.It can induce hallucinations by only exposing the patient to one type of light or sound at a time. Yes because this experiment does not require any use of unnatural chemicals or surgeries to complete, so it seems safe.
Blog#5: This experiment allowed the patients to view color as well as numbers in sync. This means that people would associate the number4 for example with the color blue.
Blog#9: I am smarter than a college student. I picked the correct answer the first time around. we see from the light coming in through rays penetrating our eyes.
Blog#6: The 2 strongest illusions are the snake illusion and hidden bird.

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