Monday, February 23, 2009

2/23 Blogs

To get good grades get good sleep:

1.cramming is not beneficial. students need sleep to function even though they are older.
3.Video games are played better on sleep.

1. age when less sleep is necessary
2. If all subjects are improved with sleep.

CT-Not all students of every ethnicity class load or sleep pattern were tested in this experiment.

Brain Sacks Out In Stages:

1.Our Brain shuts off on its own.
2. You can be awake consciously but still partially asleep.
3.Waking up sluggish could mean your brain is still asleep.

1. How to keep your brain on at all times.
2. Once certain parts are off can you wake them up.

Sleep Position gives personality clues:

1.My position is Free fall
2. Only 7% of people sleep like this.
3. Most people sleep in the feotus position

1. What my position means in depth
2. How to judge others sleep positions on all nights.(are they different)

CT- Not every person in this experiment were tested every night to see if there sleep patterns changed.

Snorting a brain chemical could replace sleep:

1.orexin a reversed the side effects of sleep deprivation.
2.Could treat narcolepsy.
3. Very few side effects to using the drug.

1.How could this drug be beneficial.
2. Could this be used in war.

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