Sunday, January 11, 2009

mom's Blog

When Jessica was pre school age, she was very independant and bossy. She was enrolled in a preschool program and I always got funny notes sent home every week. The teacher would tell me what the kids were doing and their progress. She would tell me Jessica had a lot of friends but would always want to be the boss at the "centers". She would tell the other kids what to do when they had imaginary play. She loved to play school but she was always the teacher and she would get mad at the "class" if they didn't listen to her.

One note that I received always makes me laugh when I think of it. The teacher said the kids had to walk in a line when they were outside and Jessica would always walk backwards and talk to her friends. Then sometimes she would walk into a pole on the building. The note said she was improving on her listening skills and she wasn't walking into poles as much.

Jessica still has the same personality traits, but has learned to not be so bossy. She still has trouble being too opinionated though.

Lisa Tierney

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